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SelectMultiple rows and RightClick to open ContextMenu


I need to select multiple rows in a Grid and Open a Context Menu(RightClick)...

currently I am using:  Swfwindow("...").SwfTable("...").SelectMultiple "0|1|2" , this does the selection(highlight rows) and for the Right Click I am also able to do it with Swfwindow("...").SwfTable("...").RightClick RowNumber,"" but my problem is that ContextMenu options are disabled...

but If manually I select the rows and do the right click then the Context Menu options are enabled, the only thing I notice that is different from the Automation and Manual steps is that when selecting the rows manually the last one selected shows an small arrow like indicating that the row is selected to open the rightclick menu, when doing all the steps with the script it doesn't shows any arrow just the rows highlighted and the Context Menu Options Disabled.

Could you please help me with this issue, I do really appreciate any help on this....


  • 48586


    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this  issue?


    Thank you for using Infragistics Components


  • 48586
    Verified Answer

    Hello ,

    The little arrow which you are talking about assume is the active row indicator. So what I assume is that probably the options from your context menu are connected to the active row and when you do the test manually, selecting of a row activate it. if this is the case then you should use script like the following  

    SwfWindow(“FormKey”).SwfTable(“GridKey”).SelecteMultiple “1|2|3”, “” , “”

    SwfWindow(“FormKey”).SwfTable(“GridKey”).ActivateRow “3”

    SwfWindow(“FormKey”).SwfTable(“GridKey”).RightClick “3”, “0;ColumnKey”


    I hope that this will helps you.