Hi, i hope you can help me. I'm doing some usercontrol in vb.net where i use an ultralistview. I need to expose the property of items and i use something like this:Public ReadOnly Property Items() As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewItemsCollection Get Return Me.UltraListView.Items End GetEnd PropertyWhen I build the project, there're not errors but when I use this usercontrol, item's property is disable.I use something similar with groups and works perfectly, i can add or remove groups without problems with the Collection Editor.Public ReadOnly Property Groups() As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewGroupsCollection Get Return Me.ListViewInf.Groups End Get End PropertyI want to use it like a normal ultralistview and open the ultralistview's designer for this part, so, there's a way to do this or I'm asking for something impossible?
Perhaps someone else will have a solution for that, but I was unable to get the Infragistics editor to work. However, I was able to get the stock Windows editor to work, which for me was good enough:
/// <summary>
/// Returns the collection of <see cref="UltraListViewItem"/> objects.
/// </summary>
[Category( "Data" ), Description( "Returns the collection of UltraListViewItem objects." ), DesignerSerializationVisibility( DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content ), ListBindable( true ), Editor( "System.Windows.Forms.Design.ListViewItemCollectionEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
public UltraListViewItemsCollection Items {
get { return this.listView == null ? null : this.listView.Items; }
You're right, this is good enough for me too. Thanks, it was a big help.