Hi everyone
i have 2 wingrids on a form. Those two girds can be compared row by row.
The functionality i wanted is, when i scroll one grid, the other grid should also scroll to the same position.
I found a example to do this in datagridview, but the properties used there are not present in wingrid.
The link to the example is below:
Help me out by solving the above mentioned problem.
Thanks in advance
Hi Matt
I have used delegate and a method which worked perfectly.
Thanks for the solution
Thanks for the reply.
I will try that solution
From what you just described it still sounds like the same issue that I was referring to. You have 2 grids, and they are both on the same form, right? Though one is within a panel and the other is not. However, in code you are moving this grid to be inside the panel so you *have* a reference to the grid. You then add an event handler to this grid the same way that you would add any other event handler, i.e. "this.ultraGrid1.AfterRowRegionScroll += new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowScrollRegionEventHandler(this.ultraGrid1_AfterRowRegionScroll);". It doesn't matter that it's in another panel as long as it is on the same form as the other grid. Whether you use the exact same event handlers and structure that I do is up to you, if you can't access the underlying grid you need to expose a method that will set the ScrollPosition for you.
May be i didnot explain the question properly.
I created a form in design mode and then added a wingrid to it and also added a empty panel to it.
Now i created a seperate control form and added a wingrid to it in design mode.
Now programmatically i have added this control form to the empty panel.
So finally when we run the program we will have two wingrids side by side.
Now i have to make these two wingrids scrolling symultainously.
May be i have to use delegate event to do this.
Can you give some example to do this