I have a multilayered Composite which displays multiple linecharts on a shared Xaxis with multiple Yaxis. I do not display any axis lables on the Y Axis as they would obviously overlap. What I would like to do is use the ChartDataClicked Event to display that particular layers axis labels. Does anyone know how to obtain the current axis from the eargs returned from an ChartDataClicked event.
What I need is to find a ChartLayerAppearance class from the eargs so I can set the ItemFormatString.
Code I have so far:
this.ultraChart1.ChartDataClicked += ShowAxisLabels;
private void ShowAxisLabels(object sender, ChartDataEventArgs eargs)
Many Thanks,
I'm not really sure what you want to do, but try looking at the following code:
LineChartAppearance chartApp = layer.GetAppearance() as LineChartAppearance;
Thanks for that, I can return a LineChartAppearance but what i would like is the ChartLayerAppearance for this layer and I can't figure out how to retreive it.
layer.AxisY.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.#>";
If you can suggest a better way to do this, or some standard setting that im missing Id be most grateful. As it stands I either have the option of overlapping Y axis labels or none at all.
In this case you can try: