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xamShowcase project

When I open the WPF 2008 xamShowcase project in VS2008 I am unable to load the xaml in the Designer. For instance,

DirectReportsControl.xaml error
"Error 2 Value 'True' cannot be assigned to property 'IsDefault'. The property 'IsDefault' is read-only and cannot be changed. "

 xamTrader.xaml errors
"Error 1 Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: name Line '1' Position '958'. "
"Error 2 Value 'Resources\xamTrader\EasyGoing.xaml' cannot be assigned to property 'Source'. The resource dictionary XAML file has errors and cannot be loaded. "

EasyGoing.xaml error
"Error 1 Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: name Line '1' Position '958'. "

Any ideas? Thanks.