i have two questions to xamOutlookView / XamScheduleDataManager .
I read "How to Use Infragistics XamSchedule Solution" but there is no solution.
What is the best /easiest way to persist all Setting Items from the XamOutlookCalendarView (eg. AllowCalendarHeaderAreaResizing, Fonts).
The same for the Settings from the XamSchedule DataManager. Is there a way like the resources Object with the 'DaysOfWeek' -Property to save the other Settings (eg. Settings.WorkingHours)
Thank you
Hi Marcus,
I am checking to see if my last reply addressed the issue you were inquiring about.
If you do not require any further assistance I will consider the issue closed. Thanks.
The xamSchedule controls do not have native support for persisting property settings. While we do offer a generalized library for persisting a DependencyObject instance, it is not designed to be used for persisting arbitrary groups of individual object properties.
The infrastructure for saving individual user customizations/settings is typically provided by the host application in a way that makes sense for the application (e.g., in the Registry, in the 'cloud', in a database etc).
I hope that helps.