Double Click on Record? Read-only data grid.. double click on record... open detail in new window.. can only find RecordActivated which responds to single click selection..
Hi Matt -
We do not fire a specific event when a record is double clicked. You can either process the control's MouseDoubleClick event or add a class handler for the MouseDoubleClick event. In the handlers for one of these events you would add code to walk up the Visual Parent ancestor chain looking for a DataRecordPresenter (the element that displays the contents of a record in the xamDataGrid) and if found, look at the DataRecordPresenter's Record property and take appropriate action.
If you would like to see a specific event fired when a record is double clicked, please submit a suggestion here:
Hope this helps.
Ho Joe
How can traverse to all the way up the Visual Parent ancestor which would be DataRecordPresenter in Mouse Double Click event ?