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XamGrid StackOverflowException when sorting


I'm having an issue when sorting a grid for which the backing collection is an ObservableCollection

I'm attaching a simplified sample to illustrate the problem.

After adding one or more items to the grids, you can sort the bottom one without issues, but the application will crash if you try to sort the one at the top.

If you comment out the line where the newly added item is selected, the issue disappears and the grid can be sorted.

Also note that when the very first item is added, it does not get actually selected in the top grid. Subsequent items do get selected.


  • 105
    Offline posted


    Similar problem here with sorting in XamGrid.

    When I add items to a XamGrid before the grid has been rendered. Then sorting leads to a StackOverflowException (second time).

    When I force rendering using this statement
    await Task.Run(() => { });

    then no Exception occurs.

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