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XamDataTree reorder item with buttons and be selected/active after


I have a delegate command that moves a node up or down. I want the item to be active after reordering in order to use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate through the other items. How can i achieve that? I tried to bind the ActiveDataItem property in the XamDataTree with my ActiveItem property in the VM but with no result.

public DelegateCommand<object> MoveUpCommand { get; set; }

MoveUpCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(OnMoveUp, CanMoveUp);

 public NodeItem ActiveItem { get; set; }

 private void OnMoveUp(object obj)
            var item = obj as NodeItem;
            var index = Nodes.IndexOf(item);
            Nodes.Move(index, index+ 1);
            ActiveItem = item;

        private bool CanMoveUp(object obj)
            var item = obj as ActiveItem;
            return Nodes.IndexOf(item) != 0;          

  • 6759
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    I've just did a quick test re-ordering two items and then setting one of them as an active and it seems to be working. Could you take a look at the sample project I was using and modify it so it illustrate the issue that you're seeing or provide a sample of your own.

    I'm basically re-ordering the third and forth node at the root level and activating the one that is going up and doing this at a button click an it all seem to be behaving as expected.

    Hope this helps.