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Using GeographicScatterAreaSeries


I want to show some weather data on my map and the GeographicScatterAreaSeries seems to be the way to go.

I have a dataset simular to this:

Lat              Lon              Wind

53,90899     2,135807     6

53,93641     2,125473     5,9

53,8842       2,112338     6,1

... and so on

Can you point me in the right direction on how to use the GeographicScatterAreaSeries for this?

I already tried to create a test class:

public class TestClass
   public Point P { get; set; }
   public double Wind { get; set; }

And then setting the datasource:

scatterSeries.ItemsSource = enumrableOfTestClass;
scatterSeries.ColorMemberPath = "Wind";
scatterSeries.LongitudeMemberPath = "P.X";
scatterSeries.LongitudeMemberPath = "P.Y";

But nothing shows on the map.

Do I need to use some TriangleSource? As far as I could read in the documentation this should not be nessesary?

Do you have any helper functions/hints to create a TriangleSource from this dataset described above?