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XamGrid scrolls to top-left corner on Active Item replacement


When xmGrid is bound to a collectionviewsource and source collection is ObservableCollection<DataItem>, grid's selection behaves in unexpectable way:

- sorted by a column 1 with unique value (guaranteed)

- active row is, for example, 5th from the top, regardless of absolute index (for example, 105th, ie top row is 101st)

- upon user's action, item in the observable collection got replaced (not added/removed) with another item but with the same column 1's value (for example, column 2 has value changed from 'pending' to 'actioned'

- row 105th jumps to the grid's top.

Same scenario, without active row being replaced, works as expected (row item is changed in-place, no jumps)

Is there any fix or workaround?



PS.I'm using 2015.2 .NET 4.0 version.