I am using WPF NetAdvantage 2012.2 (and cannot update to a later version).
I have the below grid, the rows are grouped and the summary value is displayed in the group by row:
- Is it possible to change the text "(2 items)" to anything else (for example, just “2” or (2 products) etc.)?
- Is it possible to line up the group summary text with an actual column or be able to control where exactly the summary text appears using margins/padding/grid/etc.? I want it to remain in the group by row, I just need to be able where exactly in the row it appears.
You can modify the content of the GroupByRecordPresenter e.g. changing the displayed text and customizing the elements by re-templating it as it was suggested by Konstantin http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/89619.aspx.
If you would like just to modify the displayed text, you can set GroupByRecord Description property - http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/53248.aspx.
When it comes to summaries’ order and position you can go ahead and set XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings.GroupBySummaryDisplayMode to “SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription” to align the summaries with the fields.