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Using LineChart.ErrorBarSettings.DataCaulculator on CategoryDateTimeXAxis


I have a chart with multiple LineSeries.

The chart contains CategoryDateTimeXAxis and a numeric axis for the Y value.

I need to display error bar with diferent height for each point by using the custom DataCalculator.

this is based on the samples application. when using a fixed calculator, the error bar is displayed as expected, but when using the custom data calculator - it will not. also when changing the x axis to category - it also works.

this is my xaml :

<ig:XamDataChart Grid.Row="1" x:Name="LineChart" Tag="LineChart" Margin="0,0,0,0"
                        VerticalZoomable="True" >
                <ig:CategoryDateTimeXAxis x:Name="ctxAxis" 
                                  Label="{}{Date}" DateTimeMemberPath="Date" />
                <ig:NumericYAxis x:Name="nryAxis" MinimumValue="0" MaximumValue="140" />
                <ig:LineSeries x:Name="LineSeries1" Thickness="1" MarkerType="Circle"  Visibility="Collapsed"
                              XAxis="{Binding ElementName=ctxAxis}"
                              YAxis="{Binding ElementName=nryAxis}" IsHighlightingEnabled="True" IsTransitionInEnabled="True">
                        <ig:CategoryErrorBarSettings EnableErrorBars="Both" ErrorBarCapLength="10"
                                                    Stroke="Green" StrokeThickness="1">
                                <ig:DataCalculator ValueMemberPath="ErrorBar">
                                        <local:ErrorBarDataSample />

and this is the code behind :

/// <summary>
   /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
   /// </summary>
   public partial class MainWindow : Window
       public MainWindow()
           SimpleDataCollection sd = new SimpleDataCollection();
           LineSeries1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
           LineSeries1.ItemsSource = sd;
         //  ((DataCalculator)LineSeries1.ErrorBarSettings.Calculator).ItemsSource = sd;
           LineSeries1.ErrorBarSettings.Calculator = new FixedValueCalculator() { Value=5 };
           ctxAxis.ItemsSource = sd;
   public class SimpleDataCollection : ObservableCollection<SimpleDataPoint>
       public SimpleDataCollection()
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(1), Label = "1", Value = 13.0, ErrorBar = 1 });
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(2), Label = "2", Value = 12.0, ErrorBar = 1 });
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(3), Label = "3", Value = 13.0, ErrorBar = 11 });
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(4), Label = "4", Value = 14.0, ErrorBar = 21 });
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(5), Label = "5", Value = 15.0, ErrorBar = 31 });
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(6), Label = "6", Value = 16.0, ErrorBar = 41 });
           this.Add(new SimpleDataPoint() { Date = DateTime.Today.AddHours(7), Label = "7", Value = 15.0, ErrorBar = 51 });
   /// <summary>
   /// Simple storage class for pair of string and double value
   /// </summary>
   public class SimpleDataPoint
       public double Value { getset; }
       public string Label { getset; }
       public int ErrorBar { getset; }
       public DateTime Date { getset; }
   public class ErrorBarDataSample : ErrorBarDataCollection
       public ErrorBarDataSample()
           : this(0.1)
       { }
       public ErrorBarDataSample(double variable)
           int items = 100;
           double value = 0;
           for (int i = 0; i < items - 1; i++)
               this.Add(new ErrorBarDataPoint { ErrorBar = i });
               if (i < (items / 2)) value += variable; else value -= variable;
   public class ErrorBarDataCollection : ObservableCollection<ErrorBarDataPoint>
   { }
   public class ErrorBarDataPoint
       public double ErrorBar { getset; }


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    Hi eligazit,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I was able to reproduce this issue in the latest Infragistics builds and it seems we have some code that is not executing for CategoryDateTimeXAxis specifically which is necessary for the error bars to be calculated correctly.  As such I have logged a development issue so that our engineering staff may take a look at this.  The dev issue ID is 219439.  Also I have created a private support case for you so that you may track the status of this dev issue.  The case number is CAS-173301-B9R9Z0 and you can view it here.

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