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Sync Axis Label Width between two xamDataCharts?

Hello *,

I need to display two charts one below the other, where the format and tickmarks of the axis-labels are customizable by the user.



|Axis2 with longer Labels|Chart2|


|                        Axis1|Chart1|

|Axis2 with longer labels|Chart2|

Is there a simple way to sync the start of the chartareas or to sync the width of the axis-labels?

Parents Reply
  • 29105
    Offline posted in reply to Andreas S


    This was previously discussed here:

    You'll need to synchronize the extent properties and manage the VerticalAxisLabelPanel based the ActualWidth of the two charts.


     private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                VerticalAxisLabelPanel panel1 = Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(chart1, typeof(VerticalAxisLabelPanel), false) as VerticalAxisLabelPanel;
                VerticalAxisLabelPanel panel2 = Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(chart2, typeof(VerticalAxisLabelPanel), false) as VerticalAxisLabelPanel;
                double c = panel1.Width;
                double f = panel2.Width;
                //Determine which one is panel is wider, then set the Extent based on the smallest of the two.
                if (c > f)
                    yAxis5.LabelSettings.Extent = c;
                    yAxis.LabelSettings.Extent = f;

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
