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the data source for xam data grid not getting updated with correct value in some scenarios

I have a XamDataGrid to display data.

In the ui screen if i update a value, it updates the following

foreach (ViewSetData vsData in paramViewSetVM.CurrentParamsData)

for (int i = 0; i < vsData.ParameterData.Rows.Count; i++)

if (vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["Parameter_Key"].ToString() == paramKey && vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["SelCritInstIds"].ToString() == attachedTo)

vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["Default_Param_Value"] = cmb.DisplayValue.ToString();
vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["Default_Param_Version"] = dr[0]["ParameterVersion"].ToString();
found = true;

if (found)

when i save, following code is executed and the data source here has correct updated values.

foreach (UIElement element in panel.Children)
if (element.GetType() == typeof(Expander))
tempXGrid = null;
Expander tempEx = element as Expander;
tempXGrid = tempEx.Content as XamDataGrid;

if (firstLoop)
finalData = ((DataView)tempXGrid.DataSource).Table.Clone();
firstLoop = false;

But there is one more way to update the values from ui through the excel sheet. Once i do that the following code runs

StackPanel panel = FindName("dataGridPanel") as StackPanel;

// Update the view with the latest data
foreach (UIElement element in panel.Children)
if (element.GetType() == typeof(Expander))
Expander tempEx = element as Expander;
XamDataGrid tempXGrid = tempEx.Content as XamDataGrid;

foreach (ViewSetData vsData in tmpvsData)
if (vsData.ViewSetName == tempEx.Header.ToString())
tempXGrid.DataSource = vsData.ParameterData.Copy().DefaultView;

tmpvsData.ForEach(vs =>
paramViewSetVM.CurrentParamsData.Add(new ViewSetData(vs.ViewSetName, vs.ParameterData.Copy()));
}); // Put the data back in the bound vm data

MainGrid.IsEnabled = true;
importSummaryBrdr.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
MsgPopup.Placement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.PlacementMode.MousePoint;
MsgPopup.StaysOpen = false;
btnSaveActivate.IsEnabled = true;
btnSaveNotReady.IsEnabled = true;
btnSaveReady.IsEnabled = true;
btnImport.IsEnabled = true;
lblInfo.Content = "Parameters import complete. Recipe will be created with these updated values.";
MsgPopup.IsOpen = true;

Again when i save the data source has correct value.

foreach (UIElement element in panel.Children)
if (element.GetType() == typeof(Expander))
tempXGrid = null;
Expander tempEx = element as Expander;
tempXGrid = tempEx.Content as XamDataGrid;

if (firstLoop)
finalData = ((DataView)tempXGrid.DataSource).Table.Clone();
firstLoop = false;

After updating the values from the excel sheet, the data source for xamdatagrid has correct values. But if after this I try to update the value like in the first way, the "ParameterData" has correct values

foreach (ViewSetData vsData in paramViewSetVM.CurrentParamsData)

for (int i = 0; i < vsData.ParameterData.Rows.Count; i++)

if (vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["Parameter_Key"].ToString() == paramKey && vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["SelCritInstIds"].ToString() == attachedTo)

vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["Default_Param_Value"] = cmb.DisplayValue.ToString();
vsData.ParameterData.Rows[i]["Default_Param_Version"] = dr[0]["ParameterVersion"].ToString();
found = true;

if (found)

And now if I do a save again the following code runs, but the data source from where i pick the final value to save still has the value updated from excel sheet only and not the last value i updated again. (the xam datagrid shows the correct value in the ui)

foreach (UIElement element in panel.Children)
if (element.GetType() == typeof(Expander))
tempXGrid = null;
Expander tempEx = element as Expander;
tempXGrid = tempEx.Content as XamDataGrid;

if (firstLoop)
finalData = ((DataView)tempXGrid.DataSource).Table.Clone();
firstLoop = false;

Can anyone please help. I am stuck in this.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance :)