I'm trying to put a Shapefile on the XamGeographicMap but I have an error with the ShapefileConverter, the DatabaseSource give me an error : "This operation is not supported for a relative URI.
This is my code :
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Grid.Resources> <ig:ShapefileConverter x:Key="shapefileConverter" ShapefileSource="Resources/world_cou.shp" DatabaseSource="Resources/world_cou.dbf">
</ig:ShapefileConverter> </Grid.Resources> <ig:XamGeographicMap x:Name="GeoMap"> <ig:XamGeographicMap.Series> <ig:GeographicShapeSeries ItemsSource="{StaticResource shapefileConverter}" /> </ig:XamGeographicMap.Series> </ig:XamGeographicMap> </Grid>
My "Resources" folder is at the root of my project.
I try with other Shapefiles and DBF files but I have the same error...
Thanks in advance for your help !
Let us know if we can be of further assistance, please. Thank you!
Best regards,
Nelly Tacheva
Infragistics, Inc.
Problem solved :
I've forgot to put the "Build Action" on "Resource" into the files Properties.