How can I bind the tooltip of a datapoint to the value of that datapoint. The sample column chart below below binds to the "PeoplePerAge" DataSource, where "PeoplePerAge" is a collection of "People" objects, where each "Pelople" object has a Count property and an Age property. So basically it is column chart where the x-axis is "age" and the y-axis is "count".
I would like the tooltip of each datapoint to show the Count. Can I accomplish this through binding the Tooltip property of the Series? Something else?
<igCA:XamChart Name="myChart" Width=500" Height="150">
<igCA:Series ChartType="Column" Label="mySeries" DataSource="{Binding Path=PeoplePerAge}" DataMapping="Value=Count;Label=Age">
That’s too obvious. Thanks.
Simply add tooltip to your datamapping.
<igCA:Series ChartType="Column" Label="mySeries" DataSource="{Binding Path=PeoplePerAge}" DataMapping="Value=Count;Label=Age;ToolTip=Path">