For years the following has worked fine for overriding the GroupAreaMulti background.
<igWPF:XamDataGrid.Resources> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static igWPF:DataPresenterBrushKeys.GroupByAreaMultiBackgroundBrush}" Color="#A3A3A3"/> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static igWPF:DataPresenterBrushKeys.GroupByAreaMultiHighlightBrush}" Color="Transparent"/> </igWPF:XamDataGrid.Resources>
However, after changing to Vistual Studio 2015 and the Roslyn compiler it does not work anymore. Our product i a plug-in to another large 3rd party system which also has changed major versions at the same time. I thought setting these inside the Resources of the XamDataGrid would override any Themes or Styles which may have been defined?
We are using Infragisitcs v12.2 by the way.
Hello Atle,
It seems there is something that overrides the styles or prevent them from applying when working on the plug-in environment. If it's achievable for you, what you could do is to get the previous major release of the 3rd party software and try to run it with Visual Studio 2015 and see if the visual studio is the cause of the problem or the reason is the upgrade of the 3rd party software.
In addition, it could really help if you can create a sample with that 3rd party software and try to reproduce it so I can investigate it further.
Thanks for the quick answer!
The problem persists. Running from VS works, but pasting this code inside a view in our application and running it inside the plug-in environment ignores the styling. It used to work before when using VS2013 and the previous major release of the 3rd party software. It just seems a bit weird that even setting this style inside the control does not work.
- Atle
Hello Atle Rudshaug,
I have tried to add the resources in XamDataGrid in a simple sample in Visual Studio 2015 and the GroupAreaMulti background is overriden.
Could you please run the attached sample and see if it's reproducible on your environment. If it's not reproducible, it would be good if you can attach a sample reproducing the behavior.
Please let me know if you have any other questions on this matter.