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Invisible Entries Bug

In a XAMGrid, the entries SOMETIMES (seems randomly) are invisible.

This means they do not get shown until I CLICK them, which seems really buggy. This occurs only sometimes!

 In the attached picture you can see, that some text entries and also table borders are invisble. when i move the mouse over them they get highlighted,

and when i click them i can see the text.

It seems to occur more often on Windows 10 computers.

I cannot provide a complete example because it is classified data.

What can I do to avoid this problem???

I use standard code, nothing special. Here is an a part of an example grid:

             d:DesignHeight="500" d:DesignWidth="1500"












                                                                                    ActiveItem="{Binding ActiveUser, Mode=TwoWay}"                                                                                                                                           



                                                                                           Width="100" CellStyle="{StaticResource ProjectColumn}"
                                                       IsReadOnly="{Binding Data.ActiveProject, Source={StaticResource proxy}, Converter={StaticResource NullToTrue}}">
                                                                                           Width="100" CellStyle="{StaticResource ProjectColumn}"
                                                       IsReadOnly="{Binding Data.ActiveProject, Source={StaticResource proxy}, Converter={StaticResource NullToTrue}}">



                                                                                ActiveItem="{Binding ActiveProject, Mode=TwoWay}">







  • 34690
    Offline posted

    Hello AVH_List_GmbH,

    I am rather unsure if the entirety of the code that you had meant to post is in what you had posted, but besides the namespace definitions, this is what I can see:

    ActiveItem="{Binding ActiveUser, Mode=TwoWay}"                                                                                                                                           

    Width="100" CellStyle="{StaticResource ProjectColumn}"
    IsReadOnly="{Binding Data.ActiveProject, Source={StaticResource proxy}, Converter={StaticResource NullToTrue}}">
    Width="100" CellStyle="{StaticResource ProjectColumn}"
    IsReadOnly="{Binding Data.ActiveProject, Source={StaticResource proxy}, Converter={StaticResource NullToTrue}}">
    ActiveItem="{Binding ActiveProject, Mode=TwoWay}">

    From this, I really can't draw a conclusion as to why certain cells are not drawing correctly in your XamGrid. There are a couple things that I find interesting here though. Would it be possible for you to please provide some more information on the following?

    1. I see that you are handling a few events on the XamGrid (ColumnResized, GotFocus, Unloaded), but I cannot see what exactly these events are doing. Can you please provide some more information on this?
    2. There is a CellStyle applied to what appears to be a couple of your columns. Would it be possible for you to please provide the XAML for that Style?
    3. Which specific version of Infragistics for WPF are you seeing this behavior in?

    Other than that, from the code that you have provided everything seems normal, and after browsing our internally logged issues related to the XamGrid, I can't seem to see one that relates to cells 'randomly' not rendering correctly.

    What is even stranger in this case is that it appears that when you go into edit mode on the column, the underlying value exists. This leads me to have further doubts regarding the CellStyle that you are applying, as I feel it is possible that you perhaps could be re-templating the cell or something along those lines, which could conceivably prevent the display text from showing correctly, but keep the underlying editor intact.

    Any additional information you can provide about your scenario may be helpful. Also, as a general rule, when pasting code to the Infragistics forums, please paste it and format it in a simple text editor such as Notepad prior to pasting it here, as it prevents the code from getting rather mangled as it did in the case of your original post.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer