On version 16.2 ,
Is there a tool for decoding a car vin barcode from a picture.
OK Svetla,
Thank you.
Hello Francois,
In this sample, we are using third party software (avicap32) for capturing an image. It is possible this software to have problems with tablets with front and back cameras. You may consider using some other software for your particular case. You can check this link for more information: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?703891-2-web-cameras-and-net
The code implementing this functionality is in the following file WebcamCaptureDevice.cs located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\2016.2\WPF\Samples\CLR4.0\IGBarcodeReader\Controls.
Another way of testing the barcode reader is to provide already captured image using the Decode Image sample.
Yes, thank you, that's what I did.
I tested "DecodeFromWebcam" with a tablet windows 10, because that is exactly what I want to do. After pressing the "Start Webcam" button the video source window appears, I select my rear camera and the window "No webcam found" appears.
Do you have an idea why he see my two cameras un the drop down list and after that mark as it does not find it.
Hello GIPFG,
Thank you for reporting this exception.
Until it is corrected, you still can run the Infragistics.SamplesBrowser.exe from the following location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\2016.2\WPF\Samples\CLR4.0\Binaries
In order to build the code without errors:
Unload the IGBusyIndicator.WPF project
Remove the IGBusyIndicator.WPF reference from the Infragistics.SamplesBrowser.WPF project
Clean and rebuild
Ok I find it.
When I run the solution, there a some error on BusyIndicator.WPF project.
He don't find localResources ?
<localResources:BusyIndicatorStrings x:Key="Strings" /> <data:BooleanValueInverter x:Key="BooleanValueInverter" />