In a Maskeditor I need to enter a code that must be 15 characters long, including spaces.
In fact the code can be "MAELCABUUNCC704" or "ACCAAA NN999" to do this I used one of the following mask "&&&&&&&&&&AAAA".
Now my need is to create a validation that verifies if the code is already present in a List (of String).
If the code exists I have to report the error if it does not accept it without problems. How can I do this using validation with MaskEditor.
I tried to search but validated by MaskEditor I found little or nothing.
Thank you for your valuable help.
Thanck you so much
Hello Francesco,
You can perform the verification in the property which the XamMaskedEditor is bound to. You can check if the string is already present in the list and if it is, throw an exception.You will also have to set the ValidatesOnExceptions to True. Following this approach I have created a small sample, you can find it as an attached file.
If you have further questions concerning this matter, please let me know.