Thank you in advance
Hi borjanja,
There is no need to use the suggested approach in the Knowledge Base Article:KB010098 anymore.<> I would like to inform you that the NetAdvantage for WPF 2008 Volume 2 release includes a new feature - Moveable Fields for xamDataPresenter(and xamDataGrid). <>
The new implemented feature allows end user to reposition a field by dragging it and then dropping it elsewherein the field layout area at runtime.
You could familiarize yourself with the Moveable Fields functionality through the Moveable Fields sample from NetAdvantage for Win Client WPF 2008 Volume 2 xamFeatureBrowser:
NetAdvantage for WinClient WPF xamFeatureBrowser->xamDataGrid->Layout and Behavior->Moveable Fields
Best Regards,Yanko
The searched built-in functionality is not available in the NetAdvantage for WPF 2008 Vol.1 release.
You should follow the steps described in the KB article .
Best Regards,