Hello everyone!
I using in my product control with syntax hightlighting. And i need add custom languages support in my project.
I found this page and understand that i need to use EBNF. I Found EBFN language defenition for PHP
There are first lines of this document:
PHP_SOURCE_TEXT = { inner_statement | halt_compiler_statement }; halt_compiler_statement = "__halt_compiler" "(" ")" ";" ; inner_statement = statement | function_declaration_statement | class_declaration_statement ; inner_statement_list = { inner_statement } ;
But with this syntax i have many errors. First on line #3 and then some about ten various errors.
Then i found this page
All what i understand that i need to use another language defenition, but unfotunatly i don't understand, how i have to write correct EBNF language defenition.
Please let me know, where i cen see some example or documentation about it?
I need create defenitions for many langugages and now this is big problem for me
Thank you!
Hello! Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately all link what you gave me can not help me. On stackoverflow question of user is stay open, and links to documentation just dublicated information that i pined to my first message in this thread.
Unfortunately information in your documantation is very scarce and it can not give any idea, how i cat use your components. I decided to create my own component to syntax hightlight, and i think all other decided the same. That's why in Internet there no any answer or examples of using Parsing engine.
Hello Nikolay,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I did some searching and found this stackoverflow article giving more details on using the parsing engine
You may also want to look at some of our other docs on this other than just the overview:www.infragistics.com/.../ig-spe-ebnf-format
Here are some other things that may prove useful:help.infragistics.com/.../IG_SPE_Create_Custom_Language.html