I am new to this system... am trying to set the format of a couple DateTime columns in my XamDataGrid to use a format like "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss", and I need to do it in code it seems, as my grid has a DataSource, and if I try anything in Xaml I get an error.
I got as far as creating a style, as in
Style mystyle = new Style(typeof(XamMaskedEditor) ;
I am unsure about how to add a setter to specify the desired format ... and then apply that to the columns in question (which are the only columns of type DateTime).
I guess this is pretty basic... but as I novice, I've already spent many hours trying to figure it out... time to ask for help ;-)
Any pointers appreciated.
Thanks! Just what I needed.
Hello Trevor,
The grid assumes default date formatting, or the formatting of the default / current culture. To override that, just create a style that targets the xamTextEditor of the field and set its Format dependency property to the date format you need. Like this:
Style st = new Style(typeof(XamTextEditor)); Setter setter = new Setter(XamTextEditor.FormatProperty, "dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss"); st.Setters.Add(setter);
and then you can apply this style to your datetime type, say you have a datetime field called ModifiedDate, then you can do the following.
dataGrid1.Records.FieldLayout.Fields["ModifiedDate"].Settings.EditorStyle = st;
Hope this will help.