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Focus field values problem with keyboard Tab keypress



We are currently struggling with tabbing in the XamPropertyGrid:

  1. As soon as we use the TargetType or the TemplateSelector at the PropertyGridEditorDefinition it does not select the text when tabbing into the next editor field.
  2. If we use the TargetType or TemplateSelector in conjunction with a Grid or a Stackpanel in the Datatemplate we are not able to tab into the editor field at all.

 Provided a minimal example at the bottom.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start the example application
  • Left click into the first editor field
  • Press TAB through the lines
  • + 2. Line: with TargetType + templateSelector -> Editor field is focused, but text is not selected (case 2)
  • Line: with TargetType + Stackpanel -> Editor field is not focused (case 3)
  • Line: with TargetType -> Editor field is focused, but text is not selected (case 2)
  • Line: with TargetType + Grid -> Editor field is not focused (case 3)


Expected behavior: Editor is focused and the text is selected (case 1).

Actual behaviors:

  • Editor is focused, but the text is not selected (case 2).

  • Next row is active, but to edit the editor needs to be focused manually (case 3).

We currently use version 20.1.9 productive, but I was able to reproduce the problem in the minimal example with version v21.1.27.

Sample application:

 Thanks in advance,