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XamCombo: Autocomplete bug prevents input of short values if longer ones are available

Hi there

My customers have defined a set of values that appear in a XamComboBox with autocompletion. Two of the values are as follows:

- kVar
- kVA (same as above, but without the "r")

Now, as soon as the user wants to type "kVA", autocompletion inserts the longer value "kVar". And even if you manually remove the "r" using backspace and then press enter, autocompletion again adds the "r" although "kVA" is a perfectly valid value. Bottom line: There is no way to insert the value "kVA" through the keyboard because the combobox automatically switches to "kVar". As a result, the user has to select "kVA" using the mouse rather than using the keyboard, which is *very* annonying, given the fact that the dropdown lists contains about 30 values and the user needs to update hundreds of records in a grid that way (I guess you can imagine who's taking the blame for this...). Is there a hotfix or workaround available for this issue?





ps: Something is screwed up with the wysisyg-editor of the forum. I'm currently trying the fourth time to get rid of some pseudo-markup that appears after posting. During editing, everything looks fine.

  • 275

    Just to follow up on the topic above - could someone shed some light on how I can prevent the XamCombEditor from autocompleting based on the text entered? I understand and appreciate that the autocompletion can be very helpful at times but it can be deadly for our usecase.

    Try a simple example - if a XamComboEditor's ItemsProvider contains 25, 50, 100, it will be plainly impossible for any user to enter "1" as the combo box will complete it with 100 whenever the focus leaves the combo box.

    UltraComboEditor appears to have a AutoCompleteMode property but this is missing from the WPF version - is there somewhere else or one of XamComboEditor's underlying controls that we should be looking at?


    Thanks for the help! 

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