My x-axis labels are a range of DateTime values. I would like to show these at an angle instead of straight up and down like the chart renders them by default. I added new PrimaryX axis to the xamChart.Axes collection, with the Angle property on the Axis.Label set to several different values, but they always rendered up and down like the default.
Does the Axis.Label.Angle property not work the way that I would expect?
How about rotating the axis itself so that the plane with the labels is more readable.
In the chart above, i'd like the Z axis labels to show next to the Z axis margin rather than below it.
Sorry, I was thinking that this is WinForms chart. For XamChart you can try:
<igCA:Axis x:Name="AxisX">
<igCA:Label Angle="60">
<igCA:Series ChartType="Column" AxisX="AxisX">
<igCA:DataPoint Value="1" />
<igCA:DataPoint Value="3"/>
<igCA:DataPoint Value="2"/>
Are you referring to an xamchart property? I do not see this property in the xamchart component or on the Series property of the xamchart.
You need to add:
chart.Axis.X.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation.Custom;