in my application i found that the XamDataGrid doesn't sort the data if we attache Observable collection with count =0. i filled the data in ObservableCollection after some time interval using callback with my data. the data will populated in grid but doesn't sort.
my question is that is it an issue of XamGrid or of our code?
PFA zIP of my application.
when you run the app. it opens window with two buttons
1) UPper button open another windows with XAmGRid where sorting is available.
2) lower button open same windows with same grid with same data but sorting is not haapening here.
Note: am not ble to attach my application due to size error, i have registered the case regarding this and also my application if you could find it the case number is - CAS-08839-0DCWGS
Hi Yanko,
Were you ever able to reproduce this? There is a customer in UK who also has this problem.
give me sm time
wed. 29 2008 12:00pm IST
Could you please, attach your application(if it's possible).Answering your question requires issue reproducing.
Best Regards,Yanko