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Retemplating the DataRecordPresenter.

I want to create a new template for a datarecord presenter, but I'm having trouble getting anything to show up.  I see my border, but none of the data is inside it.  This is a really simple style for reference.


<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordPresenter}">

<Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,1,0,10"/>

<Setter Property="Template">


<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordPresenter}">

<Border BorderBrush="Blue" BorderThickness="2" Background="LightBlue" CornerRadius="10,0,10,0">


<ContentPresenter Name="PART_HeaderContentSite" MinHeight="20" MinWidth="50"/>

<ContentPresenter Name="PART_RecordContentSite" MinHeight="20" MinWidth="50"/>

<ContentPresenter Name="PART_NestedContentSite" MinHeight="20" MinWidth="50"/>





