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XamNumericEditor Format problems


I'm using a NumericEditor in an application but it doesn't seems to work. I've done a very simple test application to show the bad behaviour of the editor. I've used the workaround to initialize the default Language value based on the current culture (

I write this on the editor: "123123123" and the control shows this while I'm editing: _123.123.123,__ and when I change the focus to another control, the editor shows: "123,00". Any idea?

<Window x:Class="InfragisticsTest.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="83" Width="206">
        <ifged:XamNumericEditor x:Name="txtTest" />

Thanks a lot in advance,


PS: I'm using 8.2 version because I need the DateTimePicker. I've tried with the 7.2 and works fine!

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