I'm trying to change the horizontal "Navigation Pane" text that we have where the xamOutlookBar is minimized, but I don't found where to do it. Any help, please?
Andrew Smith"] You can retemplate the element that is using that string. We ship the default xaml for the controls in the DefaultStyle directory. In this case, you will find that that resource is used within a style that has a key of XamOutlookBar.NavigationPaneToggleButtonStyleKey and is used as the content of that element. So you could define your own style for that element. e.g. <igOutlookBar:XamOutlookBar> <igOutlookBar:XamOutlookBar.Resources> <Style x:Key="{x:Static igOutlookBar:XamOutlookBar.NavigationPaneToggleButtonStyleKey}" TargetType="{x:Type ToggleButton}"> <Setter Property="Content" Value="Something Else" /> </Style> </igOutlookBar:XamOutlookBar.Resources>
You can retemplate the element that is using that string. We ship the default xaml for the controls in the DefaultStyle directory. In this case, you will find that that resource is used within a style that has a key of XamOutlookBar.NavigationPaneToggleButtonStyleKey and is used as the content of that element. So you could define your own style for that element. e.g.
When i apply this style the default theme change to gray (for Navigation Pane only ), i dont want to change the default theme. Any Suggestion ?
Is there any other way to do this?
It's seems to modify the dll, not the instance of the class.
Thank you.
That string and others are defined as resources and can be modified using the ResourceCustomizer class. The resource strings available are documented in the help here.