Hello,I have the following requirements/queries regarding the grid: 1) How easy is to accommodate other controls (like combobox,textbox,maskedtexbox) in the cell. 2) How easy is to template grid/cell/datarow 3) Binding with observable collection 4) What about validation, do we have any numeric text box, date time picker, ip address text box support. 5) Can we template grouping row. 6) Triggers/Data triggers/Multi triggers support 7) Icon/Card view support 8) Read only level (I.e. it should be at cell, column, row level) 9) Selective sorting support (i.e. can we specify which column to sort and which to not) 10) Does column adjust its width according to data content. 11) Templating datarow/datacell (for ex. Placing image in place of text content) is possible or not. 12) Inplace editing with two way binding. 13) Selective readonly support (i.e. can we specify which column should be readonly and which should not) 14) Can we get cell validation exception so that we can handle it accordingly. 15) In case the validation fails at certain cell does the focus remain on the same cell. 16) Validation exception - can we get them on grid lost focus. 17) Do we have support for events like – grouping, sorting, gridlostfocus, Celllostfocus, rowlostfocus,mouse events at cell/row/grid level etc. 18) Add new row support. 19) Support for deferred/Immediate scrolling. 20) Do we have automatic support for checkbox column (ie. If we bind a column to bool field then automatic checkbox should appear in that column, if not how to place checkbox in a clolumn bound to a bool field) 21) Can we template header row to say have a checkbox in header row to select all checkboxes of all the rows 22) Do we have support for fixed header and footers. 23) Number of themes available. 24) Do we have sample that shows ip address masking in the cell. 25) Context menu on grid rows. 26) Do we have functions to get object/item from the row/container and vice versa. Please suggest me how to achieve above requirements, a sample code will certainly help in meeting this requirements and preparing a demo application. It will be helpful if you answer the queries with a yes/no.Thanks in advance
24) Do we have sample that shows ip address masking in the cell.
that was a great team :)
I want to bind Editorstyle's IsEnabled property with Field.Settings.AllowEdit Property. It is working fine with Cellvaluepresenterstyle but not with EditorStyle
XamTextEditor - Style
=Field.Settings.AllowEdit}" />
It will be hard to fit all answers in a single post, but we will try. I just want to start with our resources - you can easily find answers to most of your questions in our online help available here (http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/WPF/2008.2/CLR3.x/) and especially this home page with xamDataGrid funcionality (http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/WPF/2008.2/CLR3.X/html/xamDataGrid_Using_xamDataGrid.html) and also you can download the xamFeatureBrowser and play with all the samples listed there - I believe there is a sample with full source code for each individual feature you need.
Up to your questions now:
1) Very easy - just make sure you set custom EditorStyle <igDP:FieldSettings EditorStyle="{StaticResource StatusFieldStyle}"> and in the EditorStyle you can use anything you wish, including Combo, CheckBox, etc. We actually have a great example for that in xamFeatureBrowser -> Composition.
2) Again easy - with control styles and templates. We ship our original theme styles / templates so you can easily start from there.
3) Sure - some of the samples we use are using ObservableCollection as a datasource, we also support a huge variaty of datasources, like ADO.NET DataSets/ Tables, XmlDataProviders, ObjectDataProviders, etc.
4) Yes - we ship a large number of what we call "Editors" - xamCheckBoxEditor, xamCurrencyEditor, xamPercentEditor, xamNumericEditor, xamMaskedEditor - and you can achieve any form of validation of user input using these.
5) Yes and we even have example for that in xamFeatureBrowser - again, you start from the templates we ship and with custom Control Template have full control on how grouping looks like
6) Yes - this is part of WPF and we fully respect WPF logic and you can have any type of Triggers in your templates
7) Yes - we have sample for that in the Sales Manager sample here is a link to the forum thread for more details:
8) Yes, this is supported through the IsEnabled property. Cell / Row / Field - yes, through events - you can cancel editing of some cells.
9) Sure - sorting works by just clicking on the header of the field. You can also start with some column pre-sorted automatically. Also - multi-sort is supported (Shift-Clicking on a header and then another header provides support)
10) Yes. We also something that is called AutoFit - automatially calculating the size of the columns so that they fit in the grid.
11) Of course, this is possible .
12) Yes, most of our examples have editing turned out, two-way databinding is supported (if you are binding to collection that supported that of course, like ObservableCollection and/or a collection that implements the interface INotifyPropertyChangedInterface
13) Yes - each field (column) has a property in its FieldSettings AllowEdit
14) Yes - if you use our xamEditors for editing, validation is supported.
15) Yes - this is customizable again in the xamEditors
16) I am not sure all validators work this way by default, but I am pretty sure this can be achieved with some code.
17) Yes, there are a lot of events for almost everything the grid supports. We have both bubbling events and tunneling events (with start with Preview...). Most of them are also cancellable.
18) Yes - we have that built in (and can be seen in some of the samples we have in xamFeatureBrower). We also have support for Add Row location (e.g. Top, Bottom, Both, TopFixed, etc)
19) Yes - absolutely - and we have a template for the deffered content - in our examples we use image, you can use anything you wish. Typically when you scroll with the scrollbar you will see the number of row you are currently at plus the template - when you release the mouse the grid scrolls automatically.
20) Yes - we have a xamCheckBox editor xamEditor and you can set a field to use that.
21) Yes - there is a great blog post by Josh Smith on how to achieve that - please, take a look at this blog post for details and complete code / xaml
22) Not yet, fixed fields are not supported yet, but this is surely on our TODO list.
23) We have a great UX team that supplied 15 themes for our controls,
Aero, Generic, Luna Normal, Luna Olive, Luna Silver, Office 2K Black, Office 2K Blue, Office 2K Silver, Onyx, Royale, Royale Strong, Wash Base Dark, Wash Base Light
Some of them completely match Vista (Aero), Win XP, Win 2000 / Classic, etc
24) Not sure we have it in the samples, but this can be achieved easily using a mask and the xamMaskedEditor
25) Sure - just as with any WPF control we have a ContextMenu property and you can use it for that. You can follow this forum thread for details:
26) Yes, I think this is relatively easy - mapping from grid fields /cells to actual dataitems, we have Records / DataItems properties for that.
It is very hard to have sample code for all 26 items. Please, download the xamFeatureBrowser and go through the help - all of the items are discussed there with details.
Hope this helps.