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xamCarouselListBox databinding using Item Template

I am trying to create an item template to bind to a datatabel and use it in the xamCarouselListBox in code C#.

I would like to create a stackpanel with the items I want on it that bind to a datatable. Something like

 AggregationDataView is a DataView

DataTemplate tmpData = new DataTemplate{ DataType = typeof(string) };

StackPanel sp = new StackPanel { Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical };foreach (DataColumn col in AggregationDataView.Table.Columns)


TextBlock tbItem = new TextBlock { ToolTip = col.ColumnName };

tbItem.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, col.ColumnName);




xamCarouselListBox1.ItemTemplate = tmpData;

xamCarouselListBox1.ItemsSource = AggregationDataView.Table.DefaultView;


Doesnt seem to work can you help?



  • 69686

    Hello Mark,

    You can check the samples in the XamFeatureBrowser about the XamCarouselListBox. There is a great example of custom DataTemplate. You can also see the default styles of the controls that we ship in the local directory ~\Infragistics\NetAdvantage for WPF 2008 Vol. 2\DefaultStyles on your computer and build you styles and templates on this base.

    Hope this helps.