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Binding XamChart to a SQL Stored Proc


I just started working with WPF and am a total novice. I have a scatter line chart and a column chart on my page. Now the issue is how do I bind them to a stored Proc? In ASP.Net website, I bound them using a datatable as such

Dim dt3 As DataTable = GetData("Data", 4, 0, 0, 0, "M200", 1, 0, 0)

        Me.Ultrachart1.Data.DataSource = dt3


Not sure how it's done in WPF for a XamChart. Any help please?


  • 28496
    Suggested Answer
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    you can use that same DataTable as the datasource for a series in XamChart.  the only other step you need to take is to set the DataMapping for that series to something like, "Label=Col1; Value=Col2"