Problem: Piechart shows blank when datapoint value is 10803
Env: The Netadvantage WPF version is Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v8.1.dll.
And Visual studio 2008 SP1(Version 9.00.30729.01) and .net framework3.5sp1.
My OS is Windows 2003 Enterprise Server SP2.
Failed case1.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication7.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<igChart:Series ChartType="Pie">
<igChart:DataPoint Value="10803"/>
sorry, but after looking at the source code involved, i don't think a workaround is possible, unless you want to change the value of the datapoint or add another one.
Anthother failed case when datapoint value is less than 0.000040002.
<igChart:XamChart Name="xamChart_PieChart" Grid.Column="1" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<!--<igChart:DataPoint Value="10803"/>-->
<igChart:DataPoint Value="0.000040002"/>
Could you tell me a walkaroud so that our product UI can work? Thanks.
i was able to reproduce this problem, so i logged it as a bug and fixed it.
the bug number is 16892. it should be resolved in a future hotfix.
please contact infragistics developer support at at any time if you want an update on when the fix should be available.