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Checkbox in Contaxt Menu


I have a context Menu in my XamDataGrid which show three menu items with IsCheckable="True", I need to make code in XAML so that when any one menu item is click then checked that menu item and un check others automatically .Below is the sample of my code.

ContextMenu Name="PagingMenu" IsEnabled="True">
                                <MenuItem Header="Paging Option" Focusable="False" IsEnabled="False"  />
                                <Separator />                                
                                <MenuItem Header="10" Name="a10" IsCheckable="True" IsChecked="True"  Click="a10_Click" />
                                <MenuItem Header="20" Name="b20" IsCheckable="True" Click="b20_Click" />
                                <MenuItem Header="30" Name="c30" IsCheckable="True" Click="c30_Click" />


Thanks in advance,

Rehman Mansoor. 



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