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XamRibbonWindow Changes in 7.2

So I upgraded today to use the release version of the XamRibbon, and noticed that my XAML will not compile as the XamRibbonWindow in the Infragistics3.WPF.Ribbon.v7.2 no longer has Ribbon and StatusBar properties.  Is there a migration that is necessary?



  • 4850
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    Yes, in order to get the XamRibbon inside of a XamRibbonWindow to show up in the VS2008 designer we had to add a special content element named RibbonWindowConentHost and move the Ribbon and StatusBar properties onto it. Here is some sample xaml:

    <igRibbon:XamRibbonWindow x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"



    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300" xmlns:igRibbon="">






    <!-- Place window client area content here -->





