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how to add event handler to a XamComboEditor that is embededd in a grid in one of the columns

how to add event handler to a XamComboEditor that is embededd in a grid in one of the columns?


I have the following in my xaml:








<!-- This items provider is populated in the code-behind. -->




<igEditors:ComboBoxItemsProvider DisplayMemberPath="Name" ValuePath="ID" x:Key

="TypeItemsProvider" />




<Style x:Key="TypeStyle" TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamComboEditor





<Setter Property="ItemsProvider" Value="{StaticResource TypeItemsProvider

}" />






now when a type is selected from the dropdownlist of this cell, then I need to do handle it....

I just need to know how to add the event to this XamComboEditor that is defined in the style...

Any help is appreciated!

  • 69686
    Verified Answer


    You can do this with an EventSetter in the style:

    <EventSetter Event="XamComboEditor.Eventname" Handler="TheEventHandlerInTheCodeBehind"/>

    Hope this helps,



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