I'm not sure if I'm missing something simple here, but I've got a xamCarouselPanel that I add some items to and I have the property "ShouldScrollItemsIntoInitialPosition" set to true.
When I first add ChildElements to the panel, they scroll into view nicely, but if I then later clear all ChildElements and add some new elements, they don't scroll into view, they just appear, already in place.
I realise that the property is scroll into initial position, but I would have thought that if you clear the ChildElements and then add some new ones, that for the new ChildElements, they are in their initial position again.
Is is in fact set up so that it only scrolls when the first ChildElements are added to a newly initialised control? Will I need to infact create a new instance of a carousel panel each time I want items to scroll into view?
Well if the collection sends a Reset notification then it should reperform the animation when the items are added. In addition, a property was added back in June named ShouldAnimateItemsOnListChange that controls whether the animation should occur with each add/remove.