My Env: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 with .NetFramework3.5SP1
And Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v8.1
OS: Win 2003 EE SP2
Problem: the tooltip is not shown correctly. Please check.
Note that only the first statck on the left is correctly shown the tooltip and the later tooltips are the same one
which showing the last series' datapoint's tooltip.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication12.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:igChart="" Title="Window1" Height="600" Width="600"> <Grid> <igChart:XamChart Name="chart"> <igChart:XamChart.Series> <igChart:Series ChartType="StackedColumn"></igChart:Series> </igChart:XamChart.Series> </igChart:XamChart> </Grid></Window>
Code behind:
public partial class Window1 : Window { public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); loadData();
private void loadData() { TestData[] td = new TestData[91];
for (int i = 0; i < td.Length; i++) { List<TestInnerData> list = new List<TestInnerData>();
for (int j = 10; j >= 0; j--) { list.Add(new TestInnerData() { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-j), Amount = 100000 });
td[i] = new TestData() { Host = "myhost-w2k3s-" + i, DataForHost = list }; }
for (int i = 0; i < td.Length; i++) { string branchServerName = td[i].Host;
Series mySeries = new Series() { ChartType = ChartType.StackedColumn, Label = branchServerName };
foreach (TestInnerData data in td[i].DataForHost) { DataPoint dp = new DataPoint() { Label =data.Date.ToString("MMM dd"), Value = data.Amount, ToolTip = null };
dp.ToolTip = string.Format(branchServerName + ":{0}", dp.Value);
mySeries.DataPoints.Add(dp); }
chart.Series.Add(mySeries); } }
public class TestData { public String Host { get; set; }
public List<TestInnerData> DataForHost { get; set; } }
public class TestInnerData {
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public double Amount { get; set; } } }
it looks like "fast rendering mode" has been enabled and the labels are repeating due to an optimization gone awry. you can use this code to work around the problem:
<igChart:XamChart Name="chart"> <igChart:XamChart.Series> <igChart:Series ChartType="StackedColumn"></igChart:Series> </igChart:XamChart.Series> <igChart:XamChart.Scene> <igChart:Scene> <igChart:Scene.GridArea> <igChart:GridArea> <igChart:GridArea.RenderingOptions> <igChart:GridAreaRenderingOptions RenderingMode="Full" /> </igChart:GridArea.RenderingOptions> </igChart:GridArea> </igChart:Scene.GridArea> </igChart:Scene> </igChart:XamChart.Scene> </igChart:XamChart>