Hi All,
I want to change the column position for the XamDatagrid. Like Drag and drog one column to another column position. Can any one help me out.
Nevermind found my problem. wasn't shifting the columns after the one being hidden to the left. doh!
I can shift all the visibile columns to the left hand side and all invisible ones at the right hand side, but i would still want to have the column into its initial position so i am back into having white space between columns in case i am setting Visibility=Visibility.Collapsed. So back to my initial question: is there a way that i can fix this?
Many thanks.
I have a problem with setting the column position and visibility. i have the flag for AutoArangeCells set to Never and i have code that would reorder or hide columns. Now even though i set up the Visibility on the Field to be Collapsed i get a white space in the columns header where the field is; the more consecutive Fields i have hidden the bigger the white space. Is there anyway i can get rid of this?
There is currently no support for doing this automatically.
If you wanted to implement your own dragging logic then the way to change the position is by setting each Field's Column (and/or, ColumnSpan, Row, RowSpan) properties. However, in order for these settings to be honored you also have to set the FieldLayoutSettings' AutoArrangeCells property to 'Never'.