Hi All,
Can anyone help me in aliging the summary with the content in the column?
column A Column B
100 200
sun 100 sum 200
Hi, in case someone's struggling with nullables I suggest to modify the convert method in the example above with something like the following:
public object Convert(.......){ Type innerType; Type t = value as Type; bool gen = t.IsGenericType; if (gen) { innerType = t.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } else { innerType = t; } if (innerType != null && Utilities.IsNumericType(innerType)) { return ......; } else return ........;
hi Alex,
Its working Perfectly.
Hi Alex,
This is the code which i am using to right align the summary content but it doesnot work
Do you know if i am missing anything in the code.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:SummaryResultPresenter}">
<Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="{Binding Path=SummaryResult.SourceField.EditAsTypeResolved, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Converter={StaticResource typeToHorzAlignment}}" />
="SingleView" >
I am not quite sure why they are not aligned. It seems to me that they are centered. Here is a screenshot of what I am getting:
I am also attaching the sample project for you.
I have tried that it works perfectly but it does not align correctly with the content of the field.
I have attached a gif file it show's the results in the grid with the summary