Is there a way to make the color picker in the XamRibbon work like the one in MS Word?By this I mean, having the color in the icon change based on the last selection and having the one click color change (once the icon has a color set). The video below will illustrate my point a little better than I did:
Thanks in advance.
What you would probably do is use a DrawingImage as the SmallImage for the menu and bind the Color of the drawing's brush to that of the selected color. e.g.
Thanks for the suggestion, but this doesn't work. In the application we need to show the little A icon with the rectangle below, not a big rectangle filling the button. Although, the code gave me an idea (put the image there, and draw a small rectangle with the desired color on top of it); but the code you sent doesn't draw the rectangle, I tried tweking a little but no success. You think this is possible? Draw the image and draw the rectangle on top of it?
Thanks for your time and support.
What I provided was a simplistic example. You could create a more complex drawingimage that only bound the brush of one geometrydrawing - the one that has the little box below the A. You would have to use Blend or something to create a more complex drawingimage - likely one using a DrawingGroup with multiple geometry drawings.