Hi All,
Do any one how can i delay the tooltip on the grid field for certain seconds
Hello Prakash,
This is handled by the ToolTipService class. You can use its static methods to change that:
Hope this helps
Hi Alex,
Thanks for Reply.
Do you i need to set the Static method for each field in the grid or only to the grid which i am using?
Do you have samples done for the XamDatagrid?
hi Alex,
Thats right. I am using both the properties for the ToolTipService
But still it doesnot work with the xamDataGrid.
Can we see whle debugging where the property is actually set for the grid
=Field.(ToolTipService.ToolTip)}" />
As the name implies, SetInitialShowDelay will set only the Initial - the first time the tooltip is displayed. You should set the SetBetweenShowDelay in order to control the time between two consecutive tooptip showings.
here is the code
i have problem with tooltip delay.
I have the set the InitialShowDelay property to 1000.
It only delays the ToolTip for the first time i go over the Field in the grid where i have tooltip But once if one tooltip opens on the grid then it resets to the default tooltip delay.
Thanks for the Reply
Its working perfectly.
I was using the same property ToolTipService.InialShowDelay on all the field but i am still not sure why it didnt work for me.