How do you open another Window, Page, etc. by clicking on an image that is in xamCarouselPanel?
This question was originally posted and responded to on the archives forums. You can see that post here:
I'm copying that response here:
This isn't really specific to the XamCarouselPanel but basically you need to use a Hyperlink.e.g.<Window x:Class="Test" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:igWindows="" xmlns:igEditors="" xmlns:igDP="" Title="Test" Height="300" Width="300" ><Grid> <igWindows:XamCarouselPanel Hyperlink.RequestNavigate="OnNavigate"> <TextBlock> <Hyperlink NavigateUri=""> <Image Source="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Sunset.jpg" Width="50" /> </Hyperlink> </TextBlock> </igWindows:XamCarouselPanel> <x:Code> <![CDATA[ void OnNavigate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RequestNavigateEventArgs rn = e as RequestNavigateEventArgs; string uri = rn.Uri.ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(uri); e.Handled = true; } ]]> </x:Code></Grid></Window>Note, I embedded the code to handle the RequestNavigate in the xaml just for simplicity in this example. You would normally have this in the code behind file - or it might not be necessary to handle the event if you're using this in an xbap, etc.