In my application i used XamDockManager with some tabbed document. And one of the content pane
have xamDockManger inside (It has it own set of content pane as docked form). This is scenario.
(Please see my attached solution) When you are in normal content pane of main dockmanager, the pane navigator shows the main
application correctly. But when i go to content pane with xamdockmanager, the pane navigator shows
that screen own set of content panes list. What i want is, where ever in my application, if i clicked the pane
navigator it should display only the maindockmanager content panes list (Like the next down triangle button).
What i have to do?
Hi all,
I fixed this issue my self.
Handle the Executing command event , check if e.Command ==
ShowPaneNavigator, then make it cancel and show your own panenavigator for
specfic xamdockmanager.
I attached the solution code.