Is there a way to increase the relative size of th elegend in a pie chart. Currently the legend text is always being truncated.
You can also try one of the following examples in order to prevent overlapping:
<igCA:XamChart.Scene> <igCA:Scene> <igCA:Scene.GridArea> <igCA:GridArea> <igCA:GridArea.RenderTransform> <TranslateTransform X="-100"/> </igCA:GridArea.RenderTransform> </igCA:GridArea> </igCA:Scene.GridArea> </igCA:Scene></igCA:XamChart.Scene>
<igCA:XamChart.Scene> <igCA:Scene> <igCA:Scene.GridArea> <igCA:GridArea MarginType="Percent" Margin="3" /> </igCA:Scene.GridArea> </igCA:Scene>
Regards Vlad
Sorry I realized that I had to make the corresponding modification to the Scene to make the two parts sit adjacent. I added
<my1:XamChart.Scene> <my1:Scene MarginType="Percent" Margin="0,0,40,0"/> </my1:XamChart.Scene>and that preventred the overlap.
Thanks, I can now make the legend larger. THat leads to the next question how to I reduce the area used by the pie chart to prevent the two ares overlapping.
You can try changing the MarginType property of the Legend to "Percent" which will scretch the Legend to fill the entire chart area. Please refer to the online documentation for more details:
<igCA:XamChart.Legend> <igCA:Legend MarginType="Percent" Margin="60,0,0,0"/></igCA:XamChart.Legend>
Hope this helps