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Docking TabGroupPane Dynamically


     I am using XamDockManager in a userControl which is loaded into Shell region in my Prism/CAL Application.I am attaching the code below for your reference


<UserControl x:Class="SREMonitor.Views.SREMonitorLayout"








        <ig:XamDockManager Background="{x:Null}" x:Name="xamDockManager">


                <ig:SplitPane MinWidth="300">

                    <ig:ContentPane Header="Sidebar Region" Style="{StaticResource JdaSidebarPaneStyle}" Background="#FF86BEEC">

                        <ItemsControl x:Name="sidebarRegion"/>



                <ig:SplitPane Width="6000" MinWidth="300" SplitterOrientation="Vertical" x:Name="splitPane">

                    <ig:SplitPane SplitterOrientation="Horizontal">                       

                            <ig:TabGroupPane x:Name="MyRegion1"/>

                            <ig:TabGroupPane x:Name="MyRegion2"/>                        









My problem here is i want to Hide/Dock the MyRegion2 Dynamically. how can i do this,Please suggest me some way..........Thanks in Advance

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