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Adorning editors

Hi  all,

             Iam  using adorning  editors  in my  xam  grdi..i want  to  change te image  conditionally when  the user  status   becomes  inactive.

i have  set the  status  field   in tat  fieldsettings  and  did  trigger  code   for  status  field- i have  set the  trigger  value="inactive"

            but  it is  not  wrking  ...when i  change the  status  field  to  id  filed  and  keep  the control  template  field  as any  id in db...(example  id="22"

adornng  editors  works  well..  if  i keepp tat  to  status  field   and  value  equals inactive it  is  not  wrking   why?

i saw the samples  in xam feature  browser  and did



wat  mistake  i have  done...adorning  editors  not  working  for status field



  • 9694


    It looks like this post was not answered right away. Sorry about that. We are working to answer every post on our forums and try to get to them in a speedy fashion.

    If you are still looking for a solution, would you be able to extract the functionality you are working towards and place it into a small sample WPF project? This would help describe the problem. Let me know the desired results and I can make it work.
