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Axis labels not displaying when adding datapoints in code behind


I am adding datapoints manually to a chart series and the data displays fine except there are no labels on the X or Y axis.

What am I doing wrong?




    'Get the data
        Dim data As Report1BList = Report1BList.GetReport1BList(StartDate)

        'Remove series on chart
        With Me.myChart2D
        End With

        'For each sector, add the points as a series.
        For i As Integer = 0 To data.Count - 1
            Dim series As New Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Series
            With series
                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q1Title

                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q2Title

                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q3Title

                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q4Title

                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q5Title

                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q6Title

                .DataPoints(.DataPoints.Count - 1).Label = data(i).Q7Title

                'Now add this line

                With Me.myChart2D.Series(myChart2D.Series.Count - 1)
                    .Label = data(i).Sector
                    .ChartType = Infragistics.Windows.Chart.ChartType.Line
                    .StrokeThickness = "4"
                    .Fill = GetNextBrushColour(i)
                End With

            End With

<!-- Chart control -->
        <igCA:XamChart x:Name="myChart2D" Style="{StaticResource XamChartStyle}">
                <igCA:Caption Text="Spread of Work at Phase 4 Development">
            <!-- Legend -->
            <!-- Scene -->
                <igCA:Scene BorderBrush="Black">
                        <igCA:GridArea Style="{StaticResource GridAreaStyle}"/>
            <!-- Axes -->
          Animation="{StaticResource AxisAnimation}"
          MajorGridline="{StaticResource AnimationMarkX}"
          Label="{StaticResource AnimationLabelsX}"/>
                <igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" Animation="{StaticResource AxisAnimation}" MajorGridline="{StaticResource AnimationMarkX}">
                        <igCA:Label Format="{}{0}" Style="{StaticResource AnimationLabelsStyle}"/>
          Animation="{StaticResource AxisAnimation}"
          MajorGridline="{StaticResource AnimationMarkY}"
          Label="{StaticResource AnimationLabelsY}">
                        <igCA:Stripe Style="{StaticResource StripeStyle}"/>

  • 345
    Suggested Answer

    Seems to be a problem when I host the chart in one User control which is sitting on a page with another user control in a split / docked window layout. 

    Note: I also get the xamGrid displaying its values incorrectly - bits of the text are missing - this seems to be because the bit of the grid that gets drawn is hidden i.e. in the off screen scrollable part of the grid.

    The answer

    I put the chart onto the one user control hosted in a contentpane with tab item 1 showing the grid data and tab item 2 showing the chart.  The same code displayed the chart correctly and my axis labels appear.

    Not sure why, but I'll work around it for now.
